A New life Sober Living

About Us

Tim M, the Founder of A New Life, credits his sobriety in part to his dog, Henry. Taking care of Henry made him begin to take care of himself. Henry too stays with the men at A New Life. Tim knows what it is like to live with—and overcome—an addiction. After experiencing rehabilitation centers and sober-living facilities, he knew there had to be a better, more hands-on way to a new life. He focused his professional expertise and personal passion—recovery—on creating a new kind of sober living, one that offers far more than just an address. He helps others build entirely new lives from the inside out. He brought together the best minds and expertise in the industry to come up with a comprehensive program and build a supportive community.


We are a sober community with the mission of helping men find A NEW LIFE that is drug- and alcohol-free.


We believe everyone has the potential to recover and live A NEW LIFE of sobriety.  At the core of our values is the belief that PURPOSE combined with PERSEVERANCE can help men reach their potential in happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.


James Tim Murphy Dog
James Tim Murphy Dog

FARR Certified